Central to Ayurvedic understanding of digestion is the strengthening of the digestive fire, called Agni. Agni is seated in the lower stomach and small intestine and relates to the Pitta dosha.
A sign of good health is when your agni( digestive fire) is burning bright, that is you are digesting your food efficiently, without leaving deposits of toxins(ama).
Common ways that agni become weak or aggravated: overeating, eating the same foods, eating tasteless foods, drinking to much water with meals, staying up late and eating at irregular times.
When agni becomes weakened or disturbed, food is not properly digested. The undigested, unabsorbed food particles accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract and turn into the toxic, sticky substance called ama.
In the “spread” stage of the disease process, ama clogs the intestines, overflows through the other bodily channels such as blood vessels and infiltrates the bodily tissues, causing disease.
Ama is thus the root cause of disease. The presence of ama in the system can be felt as fatigue or a feeling of heaviness. Ama can most easily be detected as a thick coating on the tongue.
In Ayurveda, disease is the crisis of ama, in which the body seeks to eliminate the accumulated toxicity.
So the key to preventing dis- ease once ama has begun to build up- is to help the body eliminate the toxins.
For the month of October I will be posting treatments and recipes for simple detoxification..
Love and Peace
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