Friday, February 19, 2010

Veg Thali

Vegetarian thali at Harin's by Kaustav Bhattacharya.

Thali-is an Indian meal with contents varying from one regional cuisine to another.
Typical dishes include rice,dhal, vegetables, chapati, papad, yogurt, small amounts of chutney and a sweet dish to top it off. This is your typical six taste ayurvedic meal.
(Kasustav Bhattacharya's thali meal)

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Friday, February 5, 2010

Ayurvedic approach to cooking

In a traditional Indian household , the kitchen is the most sacred place. Since everything in creation is deemed to have a soul, everything is entitled to be treated with respect- especially food.

Preparing a meal is pure creation. Transforming hard, indigestible food into a delicious meal that is easy to digest is an art form. Many factors affect the final outcome including the mental state of the cook, the quality of the ingredients, the combination of the ingredients, the cooking method, the type of pan and the source of heat. Cook with love and reap the rewards!

Cooking methods

The vibration of the heat affects the vibrational quality of the food; quick and light cooking creates more dynamic food whilst slow and low heat cooking creates a more mellow and grounded meal.

Generally speaking, more watery food is better for thin and dry vata types and less good for heavy set kapha types; oily food is better for vata and the less good for hot pitta types who are prone to having oily skin and kapha types who carry too much fat, and drier food is better for kapha less good for vata.
These are based on degrees of moistness, oiliness and dryness.

Steam - makes the meal soft and moist and enhances the flavours of the
vegetables. Benefits vata, pitta and kapha.

Water sauté - makes the meal more watery, softer. Benefits vata. Also fine for pitta and kapha.

Stir-fry - adds heat and vitality to a meal. Can aggravate pitta.

Oven cooking - more of a drying and heating effect on foods. Baking, rather than roasting is better for reducing kapha as this is a more drying. Roasting is a bit oily and can aggravate pitta and kapha.

Cook with love and peace Fez