Winter months bring with it colds and flu, both are a kapha-vata disorders. The body builds up excess cold and moisture (kapha qualities), resulting in congestion, runny nose, and excess vata, which reduces agni, leading to chills, loss of appetite, and poor digestion.
Try ginger. It’s the best remedy for colds. Drink ginger tea, or try a ginger steam treatment. Boil one teaspoon powdered ginger in a pint of water. Turn off the stove, put a towel over your head, and inhale the steam through your nostrils for about 5 minutes. This will relieve congestion and help you feel much better.
Echinacea Tea can be used to treat the common cold, influenza outbreaks and mild to moderate infections of all kinds. This is due to echinacea's actions in boosting the immune system.
Take vitamin C.
Use natural nose drops- Lubricates the nasal passages and relieve the irritation.
Drink hot water. Drinking hot water several times a day removes toxins from the system and speeds up your recovery time.
Avoid dairy products. Strictly avoid dairy products, including yoghurt, cheese, milk, and ice cream, until your congestion clears up.
Why Is Your Appetite Stronger in the Winter?
In response to cold weather, the body constricts the skin pores,therefore preventing heat loss, which directs the heat away from the peripheral tissues and into the body’s core, including the stomach. Agni (therefore,your appetite) becomes stronger in winter. However, if kapha or vata are provoked, agni plummets, leaving you more susceptible to colds, poor circulation, joint pains, and negative emotions.
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