1.Ayurveda considers coconut a natural stress-buster.
2.Combined with spices like cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves, cumin, coriander, and turmeric, coconut is not only delicious and versatile, but also heals the digestive system and promotes better metabolism.
3. The juice of tender coconut has been billed "the world's safest natural soft drink" for being a nutritious thirst-quencher.
4.Coconut has kapha keshya properties -- that is, it improves hair quality. In Southern India, women apply coconut oil to their hair every day-which gives them long, lustrous locks.
5. Coconut is good for curing stomach disorders related to aggravation of pitta dosha.
6. Due to its soma-enhancing or nurturing value, coconut heals hot flashes and restores emotional stability in menopausal women.
7. Coconut improves the complexion. You can make coconut-based skin packs at home.
8.Coconut is traditionally considered a wound healer, especially effective at preventing the formation of scars if applied topically.
9.There is a word called karshan meaning "that which supports the body to stay slim by enhancing fat metabolism." Recent research suggests that coconut is good for burning fat and lowering cholesterol- and it is clearly written in ayurveda that the oil has karshan properties.
10. Coconut helps detoxify and flush toxins out of the body.