Saturday, July 24, 2010

10 Reasons to Eat Coconut

Coconut by alex the greek.

1.Ayurveda considers coconut a natural stress-buster.
2.Combined with spices like cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves, cumin, coriander, and turmeric, coconut is not only delicious and versatile, but also heals the digestive system and promotes better metabolism.
3. The juice of tender coconut has been billed "the world's safest natural soft drink" for being a nutritious thirst-quencher.
4.Coconut has kapha keshya properties -- that is, it improves hair quality. In Southern India, women apply coconut oil to their hair every day-which gives them long, lustrous locks.
5. Coconut is good for curing stomach disorders related to aggravation of pitta dosha.
6. Due to its soma-enhancing or nurturing value, coconut heals hot flashes and restores emotional stability in menopausal women.
7. Coconut improves the complexion. You can make coconut-based skin packs at home.
8.Coconut is traditionally considered a wound healer, especially effective at preventing the formation of scars if applied topically.
9.There is a word called karshan meaning "that which supports the body to stay slim by enhancing fat metabolism." Recent research suggests that coconut is good for burning fat and lowering cholesterol- and it is clearly written in ayurveda that the oil has karshan properties.
10. Coconut helps detoxify and flush toxins out of the body.
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Healthy Hummus

Hummus by AamerJaved.

Vata- Easier to digest the whole chickpeas
Pitta and Kapha- this dish is well suited

Healthy Hummus Recipe
250g cooked chickpea
2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
1.5 tbsp water
1 tsp ground cumin
2 small clove of garlic, peeled
1.5-2 tsp tahini(sesame seed paste)
2.5-3 tbsp fresh lemon juice
Salt and fresh ground black pepper

Blend all the ingredients together to make a fine paste. Season to taste.
This is a great dish for Kapha and Pitta,  and even vata as the pured chickpeas are digestible.  
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Friday, July 23, 2010

Spice your life- Fennel

Spices by jpmatth.

In ayurveda, fennel is regarded as one of the most sattvic
spices. It pacifies Vata and Pitta, and is helpful for digestion
for Kapha in small quantities.
Fennel is a sweet tasting cooling spice.
This spice is wonderful for enhancing the digestive
agni(fire). Eating fennel seeds after a meal helps
digestion and freshens the breath. Fennel is also helpful for
facilitating cleansing.
Fennel combines well with other ayurvedic spices such as cumin, coriander, turmeric, clove, and cardamom.
Fennel seeds can be sautéed in ghee and added to prepared dishes
at the end. Sautéing in ghee releases the rich aroma and
flavor of fennel, and ghee also works as a carrier to help transport
the therapeutic benefit of the spice to the cells and tissues
of the body.

Fennel Tea is soothing for the stomach and digestive system.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Turmeric Milk

Turmeric Milk by jaxxon.

In Ayurveda,  turmeric is described as an all-purpose cleanser. It is prescribed as a cure for cough. Heat a spoonful of turmeric mildly on a hot plate, dissolve it in hot milk, or just boil the turmeric in hot milk. Consuming this preparation will cure the most chronic of coughs.

Another ayurvedic treatment for cough involves a fresh preparation made from a pinch of turmeric powder mixed with half a spoonful of honey. Consume this preparation several times a day.

The idea is to allow the preparation to remain in contact with the throat for as long as possible. Turmeric cleanses veins and arteries of the circulatory system.

Turmeric is also considered an antiseptic and a great disinfectant. Heat a spoonful of turmeric and mix it with mustard oil- apply it to the affected body part for the prescribed period of time.

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