This system teaches maintenance and protection of the whole person. Ayurvedic medicine is based on an individual's characteristics and body frame rather than oriented toward treating disease or sickness.
Each of us are made up of a combination of the three types of doshas. The three doshas are comprised of these five elements:
- space
- air
- earth
- fire
- water
Pitta is mostly fire with some water.
Kapha is mostly water with some earth.
Overall well-being depends on keeping your doshas balanced. Any imbalance among the tridoshas causes a state of unhealthiness or disease. Factors that can bring about balance of the tridoshas are diet, exercise, good digestion, and elimination of toxins.
Vata Body Structure:
- Slender frame
- Lightweight bone structure
- Dry, rough or dark skin
- Brown / Black hair coloring
- Large, crooked or protruding teeth, thin gums
- Small thin lips and mouth
- Dull, dark eyes
Vata Characteristics:
- Often constipated
- Little perspiration
- Sparse urine (although frequent)
- Poor long-term memory
- Good short-term memory
- Anxious, nervous, depression
- High sex drive (or none at all)
- Love of travel
- Dislike of cold weather
- Slight to variable appetite
Pitta Body Structure:
- Medium height and build
- Fair to reddish complexion and hair coloring
- Small yellowish teeth, soft gums
- Green/Grayish Eyes
- Average size mouth
Pitta Characteristics:
- Sharp/Clear voice
- Light sleeper
- Intelligent
- Clear memory
- Jealous
- Ambitious
- Sexually passionate
- Dislikes hot weather
- Loves luxury
- Loose stools
- Thirsty
Kapha Body Structure:
- Large Frame
- Tends to be overweight
- Thick and pale-colored oily skin
- Strong white teeth
- Blue Eyes
- Full lips / Large mouth
Kapha Characteristics:
- Speaks in slow monotone
- Requires deep sleep
- Steady appetite
- Heavy sweating
- Large soft stools
- Business oriented
- Good memory
- Passive
- Dislikes cold and damp
- Loves good food
- Enjoys familiar surroundings
Vikruti, on the other hand is the discrepancy that makes our body different from a normal or healthy constitution. In simple terms, it is the abnormal or the diseased state. When the doshas of the body are not in perfect equilibrium, it can be termed as the stage of Vikruti.
I know that the above information might be a little confusing. My case study of the month September might make it a little easier for you to comprehend Dosha, prakruti and Vikruti.
I was born Vata/kapha- which is unusual because they are opposites. This month we had major outdoor renovations, festivals, school holidays and family visitors. Now normally been a dominate Vata I would be so aggravate- anxious, nervous, headaches, backaches, worried, insomnia,restless, fear and exhaustion. However been winter/spring which is a kapha time of the year, I was quite grounded. I really prepared my body and mind with positive thoughts and well cooked nourishing foods. Additional to that I took more than usual vata pacifying herbal teas and calming tulsi tea. End results - balanced body and mind, great renovations and happy times spent with family.
Love and Peace